
Timeline cover on Life : Silence is the best response to a fool

Introspective Facebook Timeline cover on Life : Silence is the best response to a fool
Timeline cover on Life : Silence is the best response to a fool

Timeline cover on Life : Silence is the best response to a fool

Silence is the best response to a fool

Silence Is the Best Response to a Fool


In a world where words flow ceaselessly, sometimes silence speaks louder than any eloquent retort. The ancient wisdom encapsulated in the quote “Silence is the best response to a fool” resonates across cultures and generations. Let us delve into a tale where silence becomes a shield against folly.

The Court of Fools

The Arrival

In the bustling city of Veridium, a renowned court convened daily. Its members? A motley crew of jesters, philosophers, and self-proclaimed sages. Among them, the Foolish Baron stood out—an incessant chatterbox with a penchant for nonsensical proclamations.

The Challenge

One fateful morning, the Foolish Baron declared, “I shall prove that the moon is made of cheese!” His audience exchanged bemused glances. The court awaited the inevitable clash of wits.

The Wise Sage

Enter the Wise Sage, an enigmatic figure known for cryptic utterances. As the Foolish Baron rambled on about lunar dairy products, the Sage remained silent. His eyes held a depth that spoke volumes—a silence pregnant with meaning.

The Duel

The Verbal Joust

The Foolish Baron pranced, gesticulating wildly. “Cheddar, I say! Swiss, perhaps! The moon, my dear friends, is a celestial cheese wheel!”

The Sage’s Silence

The Wise Sage raised an eyebrow, his lips sealed. The court leaned in, awaiting his rebuttal. But none came. Instead, the Sage turned his gaze skyward, as if seeking answers among the stars.

The Transformation

As days turned into weeks, the Foolish Baron’s fervor waned. His cheese-moon theory lost its luster. The court grew restless, craving a verbal showdown. Yet, the Sage remained silent, a rock in the tempest of words.

The Revelation

The Moon’s Secret

One moonlit night, the Sage beckoned the Foolish Baron to the rooftop. The moon hung low, casting silver ripples upon the city. The Baron stammered, “Why the silence, old man?”

The Sage’s Whisper

The Sage leaned in, his voice a gentle breeze. “Foolishness thrives on attention. Silence, my friend, is the moon’s secret. It reflects the sun’s brilliance without uttering a word.”

The Lesson

The Foolish Baron blinked, absorbing the truth. “Silence,” he murmured, “is the best response to a fool.”

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Written by Arun Pandit

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