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A. P. J Abdul Kalam : Black color is sentimentally bad

Black color is sentimentally bad ” but, “every black board makes the students life bright
A. P. J Abdul Kalam Motivational Wallpaper: Black color is sentimentally bad
A. P. J Abdul Kalam Motivational Wallpaper: Black color is sentimentally bad

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A. P. J Abdul Kalam Motivational Wallpaper

Black color is sentimentally bad  but,

every black board makes the students life bright

A. P. J Abdul Kalam : Black color is sentimentally bad

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s poignant observation about the sentimentality of black color reflects his nuanced understanding of the human psyche and the symbolic significance of colors in our lives. A. P. J Abdul Kalam : Black color is sentimentally bad

The Sentiment of Black:

Kalam’s remark about black color carries profound implications, suggesting that it is often associated with negative emotions or somber occasions in many cultural contexts. Despite its elegance and sophistication, black can evoke feelings of sadness, mourning, or foreboding.

Cultural Interpretations:

Across various cultures, black holds different connotations. While it may symbolize mourning or death in some traditions, it can represent elegance, formality, or authority in others. Kalam’s remark acknowledges the complexity of human emotions and the subjective nature of color symbolism.

Psychological Impact:

Kalam’s insight prompts us to consider the psychological impact of colors on our mood and behavior. Black’s association with darkness and emptiness may subconsciously influence our perceptions and emotions, affecting our overall well-being and mindset.

The Power of Perception:

Kalam’s observation underscores the power of perception in shaping our reality. While black may carry negative connotations for some, it can also symbolize strength, resilience, and mystery for others. Our interpretation of color is subjective and influenced by cultural, social, and personal factors.

Challenging Perspectives:

Kalam’s remark challenges us to question our preconceived notions and biases about color. Rather than viewing black as inherently negative, we can embrace its complexity and recognize its potential for transformation and renewal.

Embracing Contrast:

In the tapestry of life, black serves as a contrast to lighter hues, highlighting the beauty of diversity and the richness of human experience. Kalam’s insight encourages us to embrace the contrasts and contradictions that define our existence, finding beauty in the interplay of light and shadow.


In conclusion, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s reflection on the sentimentality of black color invites us to explore the intricate relationship between color, emotion, and perception.

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Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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